Jenn, Aidan, and I kicked off our Memorial Day Weekend promptly
9am - Saturday morning
The Lincoln Street Playground was completely empty
Aidan is normally quite nimble on the playground
However, today he had a temper tantrum, and intentionally threw himself on the ground
He caught his wrist in the ladder on the way down
When he got up, he was holding his tweaked left arm with his right
When I examined him, I noticed his wrist was bending in he wrong place
Normally I get weak at the thought of a broken bone ...not today
Living in Brooklyn, we had to take a car service to the emergency room
Sure enough, Aidan broke clean thru both the radius and ulna Seeing his little toddler skeleton in x-rays wasn’t easy
Administering an i.v. was the worst part by far
3 tries, 6 of us holding him down (It’s a good thing we brought blankie and puppy along)
It is incredible how kids just kinda go with the flow
He was very brave and we are very proud of him
He woke up the next morning almost as if nothing happened
He was more interested in telling about his Toy Story Band-Aid
(On the right arm where the i.v. was)
Our family friend and artist extraordinaire Rick Midler sketched Aidan’s favorite character GUSTAFER YELLOWGOLD
that’s a heavy cast on your arm...
We visit the Pediatric Orthopedic again soon
They need to make sure his arm is set correctly